
Our philosophy at Think Fitness has always been based on combining academic knowledge with the practical application.

This was encapsulated at the World’s 1st Science and Soccer Conference in 2008 hosted jointly by Think Fitness and Liverpool John Moores University. With over 250 delegates attending over the two days, it is clear that there is a huge interest in the underpinning science involved in elite football.

In 2009, the Think Fitness Performance Conference was held at the Champneys Health Resort Tring, home to the Regenerate Centre. The event was an undoubted success, completely sold out  with delegates listening to presentations from leading practitioners within professional football.

This year’s Think Fitness Performance Conference focused upon performance management and its role within professional football. Attendees were given unique insights from the following world class performance leaders

  • Dr Tony Strudwick (1st Team Fitness Coach, Manchester United)
  • Steve Kemp (Head of Medical Dept, Wolves FC)
  • Dr Ross Sherman (Senior Analyst, Performance League)
  • Dr Vern Neville (Professional Sailor) & Sports Consultant)
  • Nigel Mitchell (Head of Performance Nutrition, British Cycling)
  • Dean Riddle (Performance Manager, Sheffield United FC)